POSTED BY: Agnesinspires
Sunday, September 2, 2012 || 10:37 AM
Today i finally can go back today!
Due for home today at 10 am.
Reach home around 1.30pm
Thanks ward 88 nurses for preparing things early so I could go home early.

The days in hospital was ok!!
The 1st night was bad as I had vomitted for quite a bit.
The 2nd night, the ccf social workers Valerie prepared a ' teens night out' movie event and the movie that was aired was Hugo! I did not finish the whole movie but roughly knew the ending. There was also snacks and drinks for us. The movie experience overall was good.
Secondly, when the movie was aired halfway, aunt came! After that, I also went to relieve myself. Then I accompany my aunt and her friend.
(Pictures were taken)
For the third day, fourth and fifth day, it was almost the same, no vomit but feel nausea. Shall continue my story on the 2nd post.

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