"Life can be sweet or bitter, it simply depends on the attitude you choose to view the world" -Agnes Tung
Friday, November 16, 2012 || 12:41 AM
Friday, November 16, 2012 || 12:41 AM
Friday, November 16, 2012 || 12:41 AM
Good Day Everyone, I am sure all of you will be intrigued to know why my nickname is 'Little Monkey' This is because I was born in the zodiac year of a monkey and because little monkey sounds cuter! Awesome nickname right? Smiling face with smiling eyes
"Never Question Your existence cause you are special"
"Everone have a Purpose to be Living, Do Not Doubt Yourself" -Agnes Tung
I was deeply inspired by Nick Vujicc and I want to use my blog to :
encourage people who may faced similar circumstances as me
OR just to find out more bout MY special life experiences as YOU follow me through my post!
"Babies is often said the gift of god"
About Me
Name: Agnes
D.O.B: 07 July 1992
Special trait: Quiet gal with utmost determinstion and a positive attitude is what makes me special!
Hobbies: Writing, Watching Dramas, Reading, Surfing the Net and Going out (many more)
Read more about it here
When I was in Primary 5, I found out something ususual about myself because I wasn't growing well. I am actually diagnosed with MPS IV, a rare genetic disorder.
The ONE and only primary school picture I have!
Find ME, haha! I guess it is obvious enough, isn't it?
Adolescent Times
Let's Do This In a Q & A style!
Q: In regards to schooling, what has become different after finding out your medical condition?
A: At the age of 14, I gradually get to understand more about my condition. I found out why I was so (short) and often faced criticism, laughter & bullying from my classmates cause they couldn't understand me. I had an unhappy primary school life!Q: What effect did it have on me?
A: Due to my primary school bullying, I started to become an introvert cause their words have deeply hurt me and I cried almost everyday after returning home!During my last year in Primary school, my family advised me to ignore the bullies and concentrate on my studies! With the help of teachers, principal and my family, I did it ! and managed to get into EXPRESS!
Close with my sisters when my mum was working! Sisters Forever!
Q: What obstacles did u faced in Secondary school?
A: Going to a new school, I thought that everything will be going fine but things wasn't as simple. Although I still faced some students who will stared at me as if I am from MARS but that did not deter me from making friends. When I was in Sec 1, I was staying at my cuzzie place and didn't adapt well and I stayed back in school almost everyday cause I didn't have a condusive environment to study.During this period, I felt tired all the time because I was in no mood to study at all, that is why my results showed it all. I only started to pick up my grades when I moved back home. It is also the period where my mum have to work night shifts and I was very close with my sisters! The secondary school phase passed by swiftly and I had made friends throughout but nevertheless I still felt lonely at times and I was very quiet in school! The library became my favourite place then to chill and study, I befriended all librarian and was a librarian myself as it was my Co-curricularum activities(CCA).
A picture with my school librarian, she is very friendly and I always share my problems and troubles with her!
Turning Point
Photo of Me in 2008 before surgery. Needed to undergo some scans before surgery.
In 2008, I was supposed to take the GCE O LEVELS and graduate! Guess what, I was thrown a “pleasant" surprise! I was diagnosed with hydrocephalus which was a condition where excess fluid was acculmulated in my brain therefore defering my O levels! When my classmates heard that I have to undergo surgery, they came to show me concern and i was deeply touched by their gesture.
The Cool Hairstyle in Preparation for Surgery
Looks like boy boy here, isn't it? People mistakenly call me boy boy all the time
A Picture to Rejoice for completing my surgeries in 2008!
Recording my Journey...
Answering to What, When, where, Why and How?
On the faithful day of 12 October 2011, I celebrated my mum birthday. It was a heavy-hearted day as I was feeling a mixture of feelings after hearing the doctors diagnosis on the same day! I was actually planning to enrol in Singapore Poly (SP) to pursue my interest in web-designing."I found out that the spate of incidents involving my leg being under extreme pain may be related to a tumour in my leg"
A sure way for doctors to determine the nature of the tumour is to arrange for a biospy. Feeling devastated, I hung on a brave front & continued with celebration cause really wasn't sure how bad it was except I knew I would have to go for surgery. This picture was the last time I went out for meals before going for treatments.This is because during treatments, I was not allowed to go out for fear of infection. I was also not allowed to walk and bear any weight on my right leg for fear I fractured it before I even have my surgery, thus was only allowed to use crutches where I would need to hop on 1 leg, this process was quite tiring and drain out all my energy
Slowly and gradually, I did not have any energy to use the crutches as treatments have made me weak and tired thus I relied on the wheelchair often to hospital. There was often a problem with flagging a cab down when taxi drivers saw that I was with a wheelchair. I hoped that Singapore have more rules and regulations or policies that protect and safeguard the rights of wheelchair users. This is because there is like many policies in European countries that protect the interests of the disabled or wheelchair users.
On 14 October 2011, I was scheduled to be admitted to hospital (NUH) for an biospy test where they will cut part of the specimen on my leg and sent for lab tests to determine if the tumour is magnliant or benign.
I was also informed on admission that “IF" it is confirmed, they may have to place a hickmann line which is a tube dedicated to transfuse all sort of fluids to my body, so that I do not need to endure the pain of needles poking every now and then.
Frankly speaking, It wasn't easy to go through the treatments. The treatments was kinda tough and all kinda side effects strikes! My hair started falling off and I started to have less appetite for food, starting having fever every nowand then, vomitting and weight loss soon follows.
Oh dear. did i also mention that having a hickmann line on your body ain't easy! Why do I say that?
This is because the hickmann requires weekly dressing and flushing and as it requires to be secure on your chest, it tends to make me warm! What happens when it is warm, that area become itchy and the worse part is the dressing keeps coming off which will piss me off at times! Also, with the hickmann line, I don't really dare to bath cause another nightmare for me is that hickmann line have no backflow, meaning my hickmann line is blocked and I will panick cause there is a chance I need to have surgery to have my line replaced.Strictly No Going Outdoors During Treatment
It is November 2 2011 I am officially starting treatment, I have to have at least 3 months of treatment before I can have surgery.That period of time when I was receiving treatment, I was very vulnerable as I was weak and my immune system was at its lowest and simply a flu bug or cough bug can make me develop a fever. I was also very miserable and I remembered there was a time where it was Christmas eve and I was discharged two days ago from treatments and wanted to spend the festive seasons at home!
Unfortunately, I wasn't granted that chance because I developed a fever due to infection and had to be admitted as soon as possible to transfuse antibiotics and do blood cultures. At that time, having a fever was the last thing I wanted cause that means going back to the hospital.During my stay in hospital, taking photos have become a part of it!
The Cast which accompanied me for six weeks.
Surgery: One of the hardest part
2nd February 2012 marks the day I have to undergo a surgery that will change my life forever. I was scheduled to undergo a Leg Reconstruction and tumour removal! It was indeed a painful surgery and after surgery had to go for physiotherapy and life ain't easy but I gonna believe that I can do it.
To make matters worse, I developed preumonia and developed fever also and my lungs was weak and requires to strengthen my lungs, I was also coughing non stop and was required to spit out the flam for lab test.
This period of time wasn't easy for me as well as my family especially my mum since we have to travel to and fro from hospital all the time. My sisters also took care of me well and do their best to make sure I was comfortable.
Photo with my oncologist who takes care of me well, thanks!
Picture with my orthopeadic doctor which performed surgery on my leg, Dr Suresh! He did mentioned me in his website as Amazing People
Photos with my uncle and his friend JESSICA!! Thanks so much for the IPAD and your encouragement.
Food Woes Resulting From Treatment That Nobody Can Understand
One thing I have understood from my treatment regarding meals is that: when people see I refuse to eat hospital food, they will assume I am picky and choosy. I did tried my best. I actually starts developing a phobia for hospital food during my first treatment. This is because during the first treatment, I vomitted badly and all that came out was the hospital food that I have consumed previously which was quite a bit.
That eventually leads to me disliking and boycotting hospital foods. This is because for a patient who is receiving treatments, he/she tends to be very sensitive to the smells of food and stuff, if the mere smell of the food can make me puke then I don't see how I can actually eat it.
I have also decided to publish a book about my life story since I enjoyed writing as well as sharing my unique stories, it may be able to inspire others as well. However, I am still working on the story and looking for sponsors ya(joking la). Decided to share my stories here as well.
Supports During This Tough Times Means A Lot To Me
I found that being sick feels hard and tough because of treatment side effects and stuff but because of this I knew more people who cared and love me! This may be a blessing in disguise cause I also knew many doctors and nurses and I felt the special affinity I shared with many people.By looking at how many people coming to support the art exhibition, it is a testament to show that there are actually many people who is supporting me. It is heart-warming to know that many have came to support me.
At some point of the treatment, I actually wanted to throw in the towel and give up. If it wouldn't for my family and friends encouragement, my determination to complete treatment would waver and I think I won't where I am today
“A BIG THANKS TO EVERYONE WHO HAVE PLAYED A ROLE IN HOLDING ME UP! "30 March 2014 , Agnes's attended her 1st official photo workshop with Photovoice and she loves it. Her Mentors is super nice too
2nd January 2014, Agnes's presented her newly made blogskin which she have spend many efforts and time to complete and perfect it. Any comments feel free to voice out!
Snippets of screenshots showing me editing the design codes!
15 December 2013, Agnes's went out for the first time after a super long time to have an advanced Christmas lunch, super thankful that I am able to go out.
19 July 2013, Agnes's was excited for this day as it was her first time participating in an exhibition launching, many doctors, family, relatives and friends went to support her.
(Read blogposts on July 2013 to see more interesting pictures or follow on fb.)
7 July 2013, It was Agnes's 21st birthday and she was all excited about and held a birthday celebration and invited her close friends.
24 June 2013, Agnes's fell once again and hurt her left leg but fortunately it is only a knee contusion but had to be admitted. It was a blessing in disguise as it was during this time she saw her doctor Dr Teo and befriended a group of lovely medical students.
May-June 2013, Agnes's went back every Sunday to complete her artwork in cabin.
1 May 2013, Agnes's returned back to NUH cabin for a meeting with other dreamcatchers member after not seeing them for so long.
23 April 2013, Agnes's had her first official bath after 1 year++ of sponging.
16 April 2013, Agnes's finished her petamidine regimen and was scheduled to remove her hickman line on this day.
Jan-April 2013, Agnes's went back every week for petamidine to prevent any infection.
February 2012, Agnes's underwent a major surgery for her leg.
March-April 2012, Agnes's scheduled to remove her cast. For the first time, she actually felt different about her NEW leg.
9 July 2012, Agnes's fell and hurt her leg causing the tendon in her leg to rupture. She was uber sad about it and required the cast to be on as well.
25 August 2012, Agnes's won the 3rd prize of the Mother's day award with a article she wrote dedicated to mommy, in which the contest was organized by STOMP. She won two tickets to Concorde Hotel for a afternoon tea buffet. (Read the article here )
25 December 2012, Agnes's is elated. cause she finds it a blessing to celebrate Christmas @ home.
2010, Agnes's received her results which was good and wanted to enrol for further education when she found out she was diagnosed.
October 2011, Agnes's underwent two operations for biospy and for inserting Hickmann line for fluid transfuse.
2nd November 2011, Agnes's have her 1st session of treatments.
December 2011, Agnes's hair started to fall off and was advise to shave.
May-July 2008 Agnes's underwent two surgeries because of hydrocelphalus.
2009, Agnes's finally completed her secondary education.
This special page is for placing up inspirational quotes that i have always believed in and i hope you find them useful as well! These are wome of my personal favourites! what is yours?
"Life can be sweet like the macaroons you just ate, or be bitter like the bittergourd?! It simply depends on your attitude towards things and how you choose to see it" -Agnes Tung
Click on The cupcakes below to be friends with me on facebook, instagram or dayre!"Dreamcatchers is a peer group for the the adolescents in NUH and there a bunch of awesome people and our motto is : Childhood Chronic Illness Are not Disabling" Meaning: they could do so much more despite being ill! Do Support! Click on the webpage to see our awesome artworks!
Began writing my blog since 2008, it had been 5 years till now and I think I have grown up and changed a lot, as well as my blog! The language used have turned from immature to truly sincere posts. However, one thing hasn't change, which is my passion for writing.
I am very glad that I have kept this blog even though I don't often post. However, my interest of blogging will never waver, that is why I spend so much time on all my blogskins. This is my 1st present for my readers as well as those people who supported me in various ways, especially family and friends!
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