A sick week, ugh...NO!!!
POSTED BY: Agnesinspires
Tuesday, January 15, 2013 || 4:51 PM
Aloha, this post was supposed to be on Last Tuesday 15/1/2013. However, I was delaying and procrastinating and finally when I was about to set my mind to post, I fell sick (flu, cough and body ache). I was feeling really uncomfortable. My flu virus was spread to me by my sister.

1) I had a little symptoms of flu on Sunday but ignored it although I suspected my sister passing to me
2) By Monday (my sister birthday), my flu have become worse and the symptoms was full blown, ranging from body aches to a runny nose like a tap that have left running.
3) By Tuesday(22/1), I sneezed till my nose was about to drop (although it is quite exaggerate). I ate flu medicine and sleep a lot.
4) When I slept at night, I needed to use my mouth to breathe and it makes my throat dry and thus leads to cough.
5) By Wednesday(23/1), I went back hospital and have my FBC (full blood count) taken to assess my counts. My counts was good, so it was reassuring.
6) By thurs, which is today, my flu got better but my cough got worse. Got a lot flam, so I tried drinking warm water.

The following is reasons why I could not post nor feel comfortable enough but I promised to post when I feel absolutely better.

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