Horoscope 2013
POSTED BY: Agnesinspires
Sunday, January 6, 2013 || 3:31 PM
Hola, read my horoscope predictions on a website and let me summarise what they say briefly.
Predictions for Cancer 2013 ( Highlighting those that I think describes me)
If you want to read, here is the link Cancer Horoscope
Not sure will it be 100% accurate a not but just look through no harm!!

1) This year is like a new beginning to start everything afresh and they will tend to do things they have not done before
2) This year Cancer will not like to sit around and wait for things to happen to them
3) Cancer are putting a lot of pressure themselves and worry about things

Haha, this may be true or false but it makes sense, people should all forget the past and move on but I think number 3 says a lot about me, I have been worrying about this and that, but now I have straighten out my thoughts. Dun think negative, just let things run his natural course.

(Source from I weekly 792)

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