Eye Candy?
POSTED BY: Agnesinspires
Friday, May 9, 2014 || 4:53 PM

6 May 2014

Medical Apppointment at NUH

This month is gonna be a hectic month of appointments for me. I have a number of appointments and stuff to do this month, there will be appointment on the 6th(today), 8th and 19th. Other than that, I have go attend my photography workshop! So, pardon me for not updating. #perfectreason #sayonly

Today's appointment was a visit to the ENT (Ear, Nose & Throat) specialist to review my hearing and a little procedure to clear my ear tunnels because it was a little blocked. After today procedure, my tunnels is feeling so relieved from the relief it gets, whee! I was a tad traumatised and scared about the procedure in the past but for now, I feel better as long as I am in the hands of gentle doctors.

Eye Candies, lol!! :)

After the Procedure, was scheduled to take a hearing test to see if my hearing did deteriorate or not! Phew, my hearing function remain the same as the previous time I saw the doctor. For your information, my hearing was affected by treatment medication in 2011 and from then on I couldn't really hear high frequency sounds well and people had yo speak louder and articulate better before I could hear! For this reason, whenever someone talks to me and I can't hear him/her, I feel very guilty for asking them to repeat!

All the photos below was taken when I was waiting for my turn for consultation. I was feeling a little bored! Does the pictures let you feel that I am bored?

ENT clinic

This almost concldes my appointment for the day!

8 May 2014

Todays appointment is a trip down to the exact same location for a check for my shunt. This appointment is just a routine check up and this is my fastest appointment ever, I don't feel bored at all. The doctor just asked me a few questions and it is almost like a hi-bye session and it is almost wasteful to make a trip all the way down for just a few words exchanged. Anyway, lets not dampen our spirit with the small little trivial stuff.
After the appointment, we proceeded home but I wanted to take a look a look around the New Medical Centre and the MRT station as I had not been there so off we went.

Concluding This Week Appointment with A Picture Of ME, Enjoy! Toodles :)

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