Productive Session
POSTED BY: Agnesinspires
Monday, May 12, 2014 || 1:29 PM

Fun Sundays With Dreamcatchers / Group 1!!

Sundays are always fun and productive and a day to look forward to because I get a lot of motivation and positive vibes from this group of people group 1. I really love them.

My Lovely group 1

Cute Group 1, Sarang-heyo!

Photobombed that I didn't realize until now, haha!

Thoughts on Yesterday Session

Yesterday session was a productive session with many things done and I felt clearer of my path towards the exhibition. Initially, I was feeling stressed out from the selection of photos that I stayed up late in the night for selection of photos
I successfully cut down my photos from 835 down till 157 photos which I found it quite amazing. Of course, I knew that, that wouldn't be enough, I need to cut down even more because more photos will diffuse the attention of my theme. With the help of my mentors suggestion, I successfully cut down again to .... " Deng... Deng... Deng... "

" 52 photos which is an amazing feat to do as, you soon realized that some photos totally don't fit and you questioned yourself, hey why did I put that down?"
I am smiling while I am writing this cause I learnt a lot from my mentors that we cant choose what we like only, we must take care of the aspects of the theme too.

In conclusion, sieving and choosing photos for exhibits can be a difficult task too, don't belittle the effort spend by photographers, they are awesome. these are things you wont know until u experienced yourself, thanks mentors for teaching so much.

Thanks also to my group members for the encouragement and energy, that is why I always look forward to Sundays! We can see all of our participants putting their best effort out to finish their personal project including me. Although, my family doesn't support nor appreciate as enthusiastically as I wanted them to but I am glad my friends does which is quite a relief! Yay! I am sure my family will appreciate once the final project is out. (hope so) Feeling real excited of the actual day, cheers!

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