Stronger By The Dozens
POSTED BY: Agnesinspires
Friday, May 30, 2014 || 4:19 PM

“ Tough Days Don't Last, Tough Gals Do!! "

Lately, something wasn't quite going right and it has been bugging me and eating into my emotions. I knew everything happens for a reason but doesn't quite answer my doubts!

One thing for sure is : WE MUST STAY STRONG! Only by staying strong can we fight the odds and emerge through the tough times and be victorious, living the way we want it.

The day to mask fitting for my CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) machine is ticking and I have already have a mental preparation to accept the machine, at least that is what makes me sleep better.

According to my sleep study report, I have a severe form of OSA(Obstructive Sleep Apnea) and it definitely disrupts my sleep by not allowing enough oxygen to pass through my airway.

Symptoms for me: Headache in the morning, daytime sleepiness, difficulty breathing at night, chest pains.

Consequences: In the long run, it will cause me heart problems, liver problems or even death if not treated promptly, may cause other lack of sleep consequences too. If one is studying or working, it will even affect your concentration level and making mistakes in job or work is inevitable.

Treatment: Having a CPAP machine allows for constant positive airway pressure(as the name suggests) so as to push open my airway, and allow for my oxygen airflow around the body to the brain which will make my whole sleeping experience a better one.

A simple illustration I found from the web to describe the treatment of CPAP machines

The nasal pillow which more people prefer
However, it isn't up to me to decide which one I gets, i think someone needs to access your face size and your personal needs and stuff and many factors being thrown inside to get the best mask fit for you as you need to use the machine in the long run and to ensure a good night sleep. That is the purpose of the mask fitting which will be happening sooner than I thought.

I think I am ready and strong enough to face this, it isn't exactly a simple job but I will overcome it. Knew a few supportive and great friends who motivates and encouraged me through Dayre ( in case you haven't downloaded it, here is the link )

A screenshot of how the app looks like, join the fun now if you haven't already

Sorry for digressing to how awesome Dayre is! ( It really is awesome, let's leave for another time to tell you how good it is).

For now, yoz people back to the topic, as i mentioned I have befriended some of the Dayreans which are really nice and friendly. A few of them is also coming for my upcoming photo exhibition. Will update soon of my exhibition date and soon!

For now, let's stay strong for the ones we love and ones who loves us! For that is the motivation that kept us moving forward. Toodles!

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